At Chord, we envision a future with multiple voices leading together in harmony to equip the saints.
Our Story
In March 2024 we announced that the Beam Mission Foundation (BMF) and the Disciples Center for Education (DCE) have officially joined forces to form Chord Leadership Center, or just Chord, a new organization that aspires to shape leadership culture in current churches and in next-generation leaders.
The Beam Mission Foundation has faithfully served Tom Beam’s vision and financial legacy since 2006. Under the care of the Boston Eldership, millions of dollars have been administered in grants to assist training programs around the world with an eye towards high-impact missions. The entirety of Tom Beam’s generous gift (and even more) has been spent according to his vision. The BMF Board decided to dedicate the remaining funds to continue and expand some of the programs and plan the organization’s next steps.
The Disciples Center for Education has been building infrastructure and programs to develop long-term spiritual nourishment for partner churches and their members. Launched in 2020 and driven by the initial vision and financial support of Patti and Alex Hunter, along with Irene and Valdur Koha, it has aspired to provide education platforms to shape church culture towards collaborative and gift-based leadership.
Each organization became convinced that by combining resources, expertise, and networks, we could better serve a shared vision of holistic biblical leadership together. We envision a future of church cultures rooted in spirituality and giftedness that nurture and mature faith communities towards fullness in Christ in both current and next-generation collaborative contexts.
We recognize that spiritual leadership gifts are cultivated differently, yet they need to be developed in community. We also recognize that shaping this biblical culture of leadership will require a shift from our historical approach and will need to be modeled, providing examples of teachers, evangelists, and shepherds working together.
The Origin of the Name Chord
The name Chord came about from the vision to have each gift work together in harmony like the notes in a musical chord. While each note in a chord has its intended role and purpose, the notes also blend together to make a seamless harmony. So it is with the gifts God has given us.
‘‘Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God.’’
Ephesians 4:13